
  • +1,911 Clicks
    The Paid Search (PPC) campaigns drove significant website traffic, reflecting strong audience engagement.
  • +137% Click-Through Rate (CTR)
    The ads effectively resonated with the target audience, leading to a substantial CTR increase.
  • +2.16% Conversion Rate
    Optimized landing pages successfully converted visitors into leads and customers.


A service business specializing in residential, commercial, and industrial door installation and maintenance desired to grow in a competitive market. They needed to:

  • Expand operations from local to regional markets.
  • Boost website traffic.
  • Attract new business opportunities.


New Path Digital developed a targeted paid search (PPC) strategy to drive rapid business growth.

  • Segmented PPC Campaign
    Separate campaigns were created for B2B and B2C audiences, ensuring precise messaging. Geographic targeting focused the ads on desired regional markets.
  • Optimized Landing Pages
    Dedicated landing pages were tailored to different customer segments, enhancing user experience and driving conversions with clear calls-to-action.
  • Weekly Optimization
    Rigorous weekly maintenance included monitoring KPIs, adjusting bids, refining ad copy, and optimizing landing pages based on user behavior.


New Path Digital enabled the service business to expand from one location with a one-hour service radius to multiple locations, each with a two-hour radius. The targeted Paid Search (PPC) strategy, effective landing pages, and continuous optimization led to significant growth in traffic and business opportunities.

Key Metrics

+1,911 Clicks

+137% CTR

+2.16% Conversion Rate


Blog Last Updated on 3 weeks by New Path Digital

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  • An Audit of Your Current Digital Assets
  • An Overview of Your Competitive Landscape
  • A Growth Path Forward
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